Graffiti definition is pretty straight forward typically graffiti writing or drawing done on a public surface with no permit. But what is graffiti meaning? Some people think it is really just throwing up a few art pieces and calling it graffiti art. This could not be further from the truth. Graffiti can be a form of art. It can express your feelings, put a spin on things, or even tell a story.
The first thing to understand when it comes to graffiti is that it is not just an art form; graffiti can be a form of social commentary as well. Graffiti exists in many forms. There are dedicated graffiti spaces which exist in busy public areas such as subways, where artists can pay to graffiti on public space. Then there is street graffiti. Street graffiti usually exists on the sides of buildings or as part of a larger public work project.
Graffiti art
Another sub-genre graffiti art is commercial graffiti art. Commercial graffiti art can take place on commercial buildings or outside large retailers. These types of places tend to be regulated by local businesses and landlords. However, commercial graffiti art is not unheard of at museums or other public places.
Then there is street graffiti. Street graffiti may be preformed on things such as cars, bicycles, pavement, walls, or any other type of human activity deemed public. You can also see preformed graffiti on the sides of buildings and other things deemed out of the ordinary. As you can see, there are many different forms and types of graffiti and they can all use graffiti paint in one way or another. Even if the paint doesn’t fall off, the act of defacing something with it may still have some meaning.
Internet and graffiti
Graffiti exists today because of the Internet. The Internet has made it easy for people all around the world to express themselves artistically. On the Internet, a graffiti painter can show off his/her work anywhere in the world thanks to the Internet. Thanks to this, it has become much easier for the public space to define graffiti authors and what they represent.
Graffiti can be defined as being any form of creativity that is created in the public space with the use of stencils, spray paints, or other forms of media. This definition doesn’t limit itself to only using stencils or aerosol cans. It actually takes into consideration all forms of creativity that can be expressed.
Today, graffiti painters use social networking sites to reach out to other graffiti authors who may share their love for graffiti. There are forums dedicated solely to this cause. These forums allow Graffiti authors to post their portfolios and work. In some cases, people who find your gallery might create their own website about it and feature your work on it. These websites and blogs give a Graffiti artist an avenue to showcase their work.
Graffiti expresses your personality
The most important thing about graffiti definition is that it’s all about expressing your identity. Graffiti is basically a way to say, “My mind is here. Come let me show you.” So the next time you’re stuck for ideas, remember that there are plenty of artists out there who like to express themselves by creating works of art that others will admire. You just have to go out there and start looking.
One thing that a lot of Graffiti artists hate to do is waiting for the world to see their work. Most artists like to showcase their work right where they live at night. By posting their work in local shops and buildings around the city, their pieces become visible to the public. This creates instant recognition for them and the chance to meet more clients and fans.
One of the worst things that can happen to a graffiti artist is to be branded as a glorified vandal. While this can happen if their work is spotted by a passerby, the best way to deal with it is to remain silent and to clean up your work as soon as possible. This keeps the artist’s name in the public eye but also creates an opportunity for more jobs in the future. Some graffiti artists even hold parties where they invite local businesses owners to spray paint their logos or names on their walls.
Graffiti definition continues to evolve with the art world. There are now many different styles of graffiti including tagging, Hip Hop, Power graffiti and Commercial graffiti. Now more than ever, artists are embracing new techniques to create new looks and styles. As long as there are people out there who appreciate creativity and art, there will always be a demand for these types of artists.